COACH: Elizabeth

FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: I LOVE variety! From rock, to dance, to hip hop, to pop! No two classes of mine are the same, so you’re always guaranteed a unique and exciting ride! Feel the beat in the room and get ready to push yourself to the music…

WHAT TO EXPECT IN MY CLASS: Whether you’re an indoor cycling superstar or a biking beginner, my class will push you towards your next level and motivate you to be your best! The use of all gears and all roads make for a challenging class, leaving you feeling like you can conquer anything!

HOW I MOTIVATE MY ROOM: I believe you need passion, optimism and grace to succeed, inside and outside of our room, and that’s what I strive to instill in every rider! Show up for yourself and work hard for what you want.

FAVORITE QUOTE: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”

FUN FACT: I’ve been a fitness instructor for over 25 years!